Body and Health

reducing of the consume of alcohol or and drugs

learning to be smoke free 1 day workshops

stressresilience workshops inhouse and in the office

next workshop starting on monday 13.1.25

Subject: Invitation: Explore, train and celebrate resilience – “Burn On instead of Burn Out”

Dear friends of the sun and the good life,

Here comes the promised invitation to practise and explore resilience together – and of course to celebrate! ✨

In 8 inspiring evenings, let’s fill up on joy and calm, question belief patterns, cultivate serenity and discover what really strengthens you.

What do I need for stress stability?

Time management?

A slightly different set of beliefs and expectations?

More islands of calm? More sticking to the good things?

A touch more slowness and thoughtfulness?

More lightness?

Let’s find out together.

Where do I achieve sovereignty

where am I constructive and calm?

How can I invite this in just the right way?

“Burn on instead of burn out” – resilience training
When? From Monday, 17.3.2025, 18:00 to 19:30 (8 dates)
Where? Fanny Zobelstr. 9, 12435 Berlin

What can you expect?

Space and time to deal with yourself - with humor, lightness and inspiration.
Clear tools and small rituals to bring more calm, strength and courage into your everyday life.
Exercises that make you more relaxed and free - step by step, at your own pace.
Reflection on topics such as enjoyment, resources, communication and problem solving.

The course is subsidized by your health insurance – your own contribution is only 125 € instead of 199 €.

There are still 2 places available. Register now and treat yourself to time and space,

to do something good for yourself. Please send questions and registration to [e-mail address] or call [telephone number].

I look forward to spending 8 evenings full of peace, lightness and discovery with you!

Best regards and see you soon,
Mrs. Helmich